Friday, August 24, 2007

Country Linen Elements

Whoo Hoo!!

I've finished my Country Linen kit!! So.... without further ado.....

Download it HERE!!

I'm also excited to announce that I am getting ready to post a link to my newest kit. It's the first in a series... ELEMENTS. The first is Earth, with Fire, Air, and Water to follow close behind!!

I'm posting the link to it, but I am going to password protect it. The password will be given to anyone who emails me a link to a page made using one of my freebies from my blog. :) Just a little incentive for moi. LOL

Hometown Tragedy

I thought long and hard on this, and I've come to the decision to inform you all and ask of you a huge favor. Below you will see a collage of my hometown, Bucyrus OH, and yes, it's underwater. I know a lot of people who are homeless and lost all of their possessions in the flash flooding that occurred here. The very sad part is that being in the northwest, very few people spend the money to acquire flood insurance, unless of course they live in a flood plain. We have not gotten this much rain (over 9 inches in less than 24 hours) in 38 years. That's more years than I've been alive!! So, in order to help these people, I'm asking for donations through my blog. If you find your way here, and download a kit or two, I'm begging of you to please take the time to donate a bit to these people in need. I've spoken with my pastor about it, and to my sister, who is a city employee, and the funds I collect will be anonymously donated to the various charitible groups who are assisting these poor victims.

I appreciate all of you reading this, even if you cannot afford to help.

Thank you so much for your time!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Country Linen Papers 2

Good evening!! I apologize for being away.... I'll post more on that tomorrow when I have more time. Too much going on in my neck of the woods. :D

Anyways, I have a new freebie Paper Pak that coordinates with my Country Linen kit.

You can download this Paper Pak (#2) Here!! As always, if you download, please leave some love!!

I also have all kinds of new for you tomorrow... on my life and on new kits, so come back tomorrow and check it out!!